Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

The way 'omelette’ is rendered in Japanese is omeretsu, which to my mind sounds like an underage girl should pop out of nowhere squeaking, OMURETSU-GO! But mentaiko omelette in general is worth high-octane levels of enthusiasm. When done right they are beautiful - and if I may say so while I'm on a run of bad jokes, totally bae-tiful.

It takes skill to make a great omelette, and the one I ate at this standing bar in Kyoto is a fine example. Doesn't look like all that, but slice open this egg parcel and its wickedly creamy, eggy guts spill forth onto the plate. There's mentaiko ribboned through this one, and also in the rose-pink mayo-based sauce zig-zagged across the top. I almost feel like the mentaiko in the sauce is incidental here; a loose, gloppy fry sauce would have been just fine. No one will judge if you don’t share.

Suiba Rokkaku (Tominokoji Branch)
77, Rokkaku-dori
Daikokucho, Nakagyo Ward
T: +81-75-252-7770

Column: Furochan Eats


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