Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match
uni burrata 2.jpg

Uni, burrata, button mushroom, yuzu
Son of a Gun
Los Angeles


  • I thought that the way they sliced the button mushrooms were really creative and new. I bit into a slice thinking it was going to be a radish and was pleasantly surprised to find myself biting into a much softer texture. Uni matched with something creamy is a no brainer but the sliced mushrooms were not.

    Yoko on

  • That looks disgusting!

    allison on

  • oh geez I didn’t even realize that was a thinly sliced mushroom, I thought it was a sheet of acid that triggered a f’ing ridiculous flavor bomb in my mouth

    mei on

  • Allison gets the Comment of the Year award.

    Kayoko on


    yoko on

  • I think Mei wins, that cracked me up!

    tomo on

  • kinda looks amazing to me.

    gtrine on

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