You'll Be Thankful to Have These Kitchen Tools on Thanksgiving
We've got a few Japanese kitchen accessories and tools we think will make you extra thankful you shopped with us before preparing your Thanksgiving feast.
We've got a few Japanese kitchen accessories and tools we think will make you extra thankful you shopped with us before preparing your Thanksgiving feast.
Step-by-step instructions on how to make cold brew coffee at home in the Hario V60 Iced Coffee Maker. It's fun, simple, and most of all, rewarding.
A two-piece shaker that doesn't have an integrated strainer, so it's lighter, more compact, and there's more room for the drink to interact with air and ice
The Birdy CS500 has a sleek, sexy design that helps chill drinks and prevents watery cocktails. And it has Jim Meehan of PDT's stamp of approval!
Even the freshest fish doesn't make great sashimi if it's sliced poorly. Yanagi knives are sharp, slender knives used to cut raw fish with clean precision.
Find out how to use a spice toaster to toast sesame seeds and spices.
We are total gadget heads here at Umami Mart. Johnny always scoffs when I bring home a new kitchen toy, or cocktail tool -- we even tried to implement a rule of getting rid of something in order to bring in a new product. But...
The misokoshi is a tool that we have sold since we first opened our shop. It looks like a mini ramen strainer, but alas, it is for straining miso in liquid. Namely, it works perfectly for miso soup. Here's a video made...