THE GIFT OF FOOD: An Umamimart Fundraiser for Japan (SF)

MUSICAL LINE-UP (Update Tues. 3/29, 11:50am PST)
Tommy Guerrero
Gadget (Function 8 )
TophOne (RedWine DJs)
DJ Orb
Gabuちゃん (Amoeba Records)
The night of March 10, here in Oakland California, was like any other night. I finished my shift early, was home by 10pm, slipped into my pjs and grabbed a beer from the fridge. My biggest dilemma of the evening was having to choose between Daria and Arrested Development.
But with the click of the remote, everything changed.
An earthquake. Then, a tsunami. Northern Japan. Sendai. 8.9.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Immediately, I fell into a state of panic and depression. I had finally gotten a hold of my family in Japan, along with all my friends, who were safe, but severely shaken up. My aunt in Yokohama told me of the quake, "In my 63 years of life, I have never been more afraid."
By now I don't need to recite to you the consequences of this devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11--stifling aftershocks, Fukushima's nuclear reactors, the foreboding radiation, major evacuations, rolling power outages, residents and foreigners fleeing Japan, the empty aisles at the grocery store, the devastation to the country's economy. The death toll to date is over 10,000, and nearly 20,000 are still missing. It just doesn't seem to end.
Inspired by Yamahomo (who single-handedly raised $16,000+ almost $20,000 in NYC last week), Yoko and I have been hustling to get a fundraiser together here on the west coast. We've reached out to all our Bay Area Umamimart friends, who have graciously agreed to sponsor booze, snacks, booze, music, more booze, and more snacks, so we can throw a massive event to benefit relief efforts in Japan.
THE GIFT OF FOOD: A Benefit for Northern Japan Quake & Tsunami Relief
Tuesday April 5, 8pm-late
The Burritt Room (Sutter + Stockton, SF)
Bites | Booze | Music
$40 advance/ $45 door
All proceeds of our benefit will go to Second Harvest Japan, a Tokyo-based organization and Japan's first food bank. Although they are little known here in the states, they are well-regarded in Japan, having provided food for soup kitchens, orphanages and the elderly, since 2000. In the wake of the quake, we heard that they hit the ground running, driving two-ton truckloads of food, water and vital necessities into northern Japan EVERY DAY.
We assure you that all your money will be specifically geared towards all earthquake and tsunami relief funds. We believe in their mission, and are in constant contact with its executive director and staff, who are all running around trying to get operations streamlined to deliver necessities daily northern Japan.
Umamimart is a website bringing people together and sharing experience through food. Second Harvest Japan strives to do this on the ground, for victims of the Sendai Quake and Tsunami. They are our heroes, and from the streets of San Francisco, let's give them the GIFT OF FOOD.
Please check the site often for updated sponsorship info, and the list of musicians as they are confirmed.
Can't make the event? Donate directly to Second Harvest Japan.
See you on the 5th! Bring friends, lovers, fighters. Let's drink, eat, and DANCE for Japan, Umamimart style.
BIG THANK YOU to our sponsors and in-kind donors: Yamazaki Whiskey, The Burritt Room, Peko-Peko, Joto Sake, FLORA Louesa Roebuck, Brugal, Glenrothes, Glen Grant, Bulleit, Sandbox Bakery, Greenerprinter.
Much love for Devin Farrell, Isaac Bess and Mai Sasaki.