Upcoming Event: Shochu Tasting @ 18 Reasons (SF)

Shochu tends to be the drink of choice around here on Umami Mart, but we know that it's still pretty unfamiliar terrain. Yoko and I firmly believe that there is a place for shochu in the States, but it may take a while to get there. But we're here to help educate and slowly open the doors onto the vast and deep realm of Japan's distilled liquor.
We've teamed up with SF's awesome culinary education space 18 Reasons to bring you Shochu 101 -- a night that will include a tasting of different types of shochu (rice, barley, sweet potato, soba!), recommended food pairings, temperature suggestions, and a bit of cultural history and background (shochu is not sake! shochu is low-sugar and low-calorie!).
WHAT: Talk and shochu tasting with Yoko and Kayoko of Umami Mart. Let’s start with the basics!
WHEN: Tuesday 7/16, 7-9pm
3647 18th Street (btwn Guerrero + Dolores)
San Francisco, CA
Map here
TICKETS: $55 including tasting and food pairing.
Buy your tickets here.
*Selected shochus generously sponsored by Takara Sake