Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Skankynavia: L'Etoile

A new cocktail bar opened in Copenhagen in the spring of 2012. The creation of the bar had been in the making for years. The owner is a friend of mine, who is an impressively ambitious and creative entrepeneur building bars around...

To Live and Eat in LA

"To live and eat in LA, it's the place to be; You've got to be there to know it, what everybody wanna eat" - Tupac Alright, alright, Tupac didn't say "eat". But instead of talking about hoes and tricks, he should have rapped more...

Eats + Drinks (NYC)

I just got back from a weekend in NYC, for a very important Umamimart Reunion Dinner, hosted by Yamahomo (post coming!). Even though I really only had two full days in the city, I bounced around and hit some of my favorite haunts. It...

Last Night to Drink for Japan at Camino (OAK)

Are ya'll sick of hearing about fundraisers for Japan yet? Well, get over it--Japan needs us right now and we absolutely must do what we can to support it. You don't hear me get all up on my soapbox very often, but for this, Umamimart...