Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match
Event Recap

Grand Opening Matsuri 2019

Every year, right before Matsuri, I freak out. For about a week, I worry that no one will show up. This year was no different, and posed the biggest question: what if no one knows we've moved??? What a tragedy it would be if we opened...

Sake Gumi Social

Omachi Sake Tasting

We had our very first Sake Gumi Social at Umami Mart last week and it was a blast. Over 40 of our members showed up to taste June's Sake Gumi bottles with us – plus an extra special bottle. This month's theme, sakes...

Event Recap

Event Recap: Hinamatsuri 2019

Hinamatsuri is one of our favorite events of the year – and we are so happy that the turnout gets better every time we do it. We celebrated a little earlier than usual this year, but both Yoko's and my mom came out, which made this...

Event Recap

6th Annual Japan Beer Fest

It's hard to believe we've been putting on Japan Beer Fest (JBF) with The Trappist for six years now – and even harder to imagine that this year was the...

Event Recap

Shochu Happy Hour @ Ramen Shop

As a follow-up to our Sakqueso! event over the summer, we partnered with Ramen Shop yet again for Shochu Happy Hour, a few weeks ago. We had a nice crowd of shochu novices and enthusiasts come out and had a great time talking to folks about shochu, Japan's distilled beverage!...

Event Recap

6th Annual Umami Mart Matsuri

After six years of presenting Matsuri each year, I can confidently say that we know how to throw a good party. Every year, the party gets bigger and stronger. People show up earlier and stay longer. For all of us at Umami Mart, we...

Event Recap

Third Annual Camino Sake Dinner

Earlier this week, we held our 3rd Annual Sake Dinner with Camino. With two dinner under our belts, Camino's Allison and Russ, Kayoko, and I consider this dinner a tradition. The thing that stood out for me the most this year was...

Event Recap

Event Recap: Hinamatsuri 2018

Hinamatsuri at Umami Mart has become one of our favorite events of the year – it is a joyous opportunity to come together with our friends and community to celebrate Girl's Day! It's so meaningful to see young women come year after year – all a bit older,...