Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Our great friend (and twice-Umami Mart writer) Lizzy Boelter is popping up at Umami Mart with her mobile kitchen Grease Box this Friday. Lizzy makes super rad soul food of her native Louisiana, all gluten-free! And lucky for us, Lizzy does not skimp on the lovin' or the flavorin'. For this special pop-up, she'll be making GRILLED CHEESE with American cheese that she makes herself! In her words, "think Velveeta or Kraft singles" (ah, childhood)... but organic, and all her own. WOWWW! And the sandwiches will be built on Lizzy's famous DUCKFAT cornbread. All alongside a smattering of banchan and Hae's kimchi.

Can I get an AMEN?

First Friday with Grease Box's grilled cheese + banchan

WHEN: Friday 11/2, 6-9pm

WHERE: Umami Mart
815 Broadway
Oakland, Pop-Up Hood
BART: 12th Street
Google Map

Stop on by Friday, ya hear? Party starts at 6pm till the grilled cheeses run out. I'll leave you with this great number to get the party started. Replace "beans" with "banchan".