Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match
The Forest Feast

The Forest Feast: Orange Galette

Hola from España! To celebrate finishing the cookbook (yay!), we headed to Andalusia. We rented a little apartment in Sevilla which is such an idyllic town. Citrus trees literally line all the streets -- it’s amazing! Around every corner...


MOTOism: Food in France

I went to France for the first time. As I packed for the trip, all I could think about was the scene from The Devil Wears Prada where Anne throws her cellphone into a fountain. Everyone looks so stylish in that scene, or in...


Skankynavia: Londinium Leisures

I used to loathe this city when I lived here. That was back in 1998 and I was poor as a peasant poofter pigeon. I went looking for the hip & happening 1990's London which I'd always dreamt about while listening to BritPop all through...

The Street

The Street: Maracuja (Passion Fruit)

Spending two weeks in Brazil the middle of the Umami Mart build-out was a bit disorienting. But the abundance of tropical fruits on street stalls, in the grocery store and in fancy restaurants forced me forget about home and embrace the fact that I...

5 Days in Tulum (MEX)

For my birthday this year, I went to Tulum, Mexico with Johnny. It was our first trip we would be taking together and it took ages to decide where to go. Buenos Aires? Mexico City? CUBA??? I hadn't taken a tropical vacation in forever,...


Skankynavia: Munchin' Thru Mallorca

Tourists and tapas. Two things in this world which I am not a big fan of. Why then, would I go to Mallorca? The infamous Spanish tourist trap of an island, overrun by chubby European expats from the 1960's and forward. Cardboard hotels, hoards of purple-haired...

Jerkey's Korner

Jerkey's Korner: The Formaggio of Firenze

I’m really glad we made it to Florence before the Jersey Invasion dropped a gang of guidettes into the birthplace of Michelangelo. Although I’m sure they feel quite at home amongst the various Guess stores and Footlockers, I was disappointed that there is no legitimate...

India, My Ex-Lover

I woke up the other morning with an intense desire to travel. I had sworn off traveling for 2011, as it is the Year of Important Weddings (my two best friends, both in the same year!) and I want to devote myself (and my...


Skankynavia: Bangin' Cock Delish (Bangkok)

I've fallen in love with the Bangin' Cock, aka Bangkok, the frantic and exotic capital of Thailand. Just returned home to the rather chilly degrees of Copenhagen from a sensual 33˚C, and I severely miss the hot sticky nights, tall palm trees, weird exotic birds,...