Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Skankynavia: A Real Man's Wet Lunch

We don't have that many traditions left in our royal kingdom of Denmark, and the European Union is certainly making a big effort trying to convert the entire countries of Europe into one gigantic, bland mess. The EU is just like throwing...


Japanify: Matsutake (Pine Mushrooms)

Matsutake are to Japan as truffles are to France. They are hard-to-find, fragrant, expensive and coveted. "Matsu" means pine and "take" means mushroom. Matsutake are harvested in the fall, the earliest occurring in September from pine forests in diverse locations around the world...


Japanify: Simmered Mackerel in Miso

For those who are curious to eat more responsibly in the seafood arena, mackerel is an ideal option. For the rest of us who don't care about being responsible, mackerel is also an ideal option because of its salty-savoriness that's addictive and a...


Japanify: How to Clean a Sardine

I love sardines - canned or fresh. My addiction started as a child when my mother would serve sardines from a can with a dab of kewpie mayonnaise. Packed with protein and fun to eat, they are also better for big blue because...

Yamahomo vs. Laduree - The Battle Continues

I learned my lesson. Mix the batter well till it falls off the spatula, and don't take it out of the oven too soon. Other than the fact that I am super inpatient, all the necessary ingredients and mind set was there. I couldn't let go of the defeat of...


Japanify: Preparing Kanpyo

Kanpyo is a curious food - shaved calabash gourd. You can buy kanpyo dehydrated in white strips. You must prepare the dehydrated strips and marinate them to get them ready for the most common kanpyo dishes like futomaki rolls...


Japanify: Goya (Bitter Melon)

I finally had the guts to buy a goya because there was a half-cut goya on sale for 50 yen at my local supermarket last week. I had always envied my Okinawan friend who could nonchalantly cook up...