Japanify: Japanese Eggplant and Chicken Simmered in Miso
When I crave comfort food, this is my go-to dish. It's quick, easy and cheap. The key to a successful miso-eggplant dish is fresh eggplants. The vibrant purple...
When I crave comfort food, this is my go-to dish. It's quick, easy and cheap. The key to a successful miso-eggplant dish is fresh eggplants. The vibrant purple...
We don't have that many traditions left in our royal kingdom of Denmark, and the European Union is certainly making a big effort trying to convert the entire countries of Europe into one gigantic, bland mess. The EU is just like throwing...
Matsutake are to Japan as truffles are to France. They are hard-to-find, fragrant, expensive and coveted. "Matsu" means pine and "take" means mushroom. Matsutake are harvested in the fall, the earliest occurring in September from pine forests in diverse locations around the world...
You've smelled them in or around your neighborhood. They turn bright yellow in November and December and are usually clustered in groups along streets or in parks. They are ginkgo trees. Ginkgo trees put on quite a show, but they can...
One thing California and Japan have in common is the abundance of bright orange Fuyu persimmons when November hits. Persimmon or kaki, in Japanese, are...
Hi everyone, Kayoko here, filling in for Yoko's column today. Yoko has set the bar quite high for tips, techniques and recipes on Japanese cooking, so I really thought hard about what I would be writing about. I browsed through all my Japanese cookbooks and...
By Yoko Kumano Originally posted on September 9, 2010 My mom used to pack rice balls for me as an elementary school kid for lunch way before the sushi craze swept the nation and way before there were sightings of Alice Waters toting...
A step-by-step guide and video to how to wash rice properly in the Japanese style.
Learn the difference between Japanese seaweed – nori, iwanori, wakame, and kombu.
For those who are curious to eat more responsibly in the seafood arena, mackerel is an ideal option. For the rest of us who don't care about being responsible, mackerel is also an ideal option because of its salty-savoriness that's addictive and a...
I love sardines - canned or fresh. My addiction started as a child when my mother would serve sardines from a can with a dab of kewpie mayonnaise. Packed with protein and fun to eat, they are also better for big blue because...
This was originally supposed to read "Octopus, Shrimp Avocado Salad with Kewpie-Wasabi Dressing," but the octopus part did not happen. After reading a recent string of octopus posts on Umamimart including Tokyo JUNKtion: Corpse Candy, ¡Viva España!,
Step-by-step recipe and instructions on how to make your own dashi at home.
By Yamahomo Originally posted on April 21, 2008 PREFACE Macaron Battles Part 1 & 2 The Battle Continues I must master this. I think I came pretty close to what macaron should be on...
I learned my lesson. Mix the batter well till it falls off the spatula, and don't take it out of the oven too soon. Other than the fact that I am super inpatient, all the necessary ingredients and mind set was there. I couldn't let go of the defeat of...
I don't know why I do this. The harder the recipe is, the more excited I get. I don't know how I decided to make macaroons, but somehow I did.. When everyone goes to Paris (I've never been there, yet), they go queue up at either Laduree or...
I know, I know, I have to revisit the Flødeboller Battle, but it takes too much effort so I diverted to macarons this week. You may be sick of how I keep praising myself for making perfect macarons, but if you know the precision...
A step-by-step recipe guide to ferment your own soybeans and make natto at home.
Kanpyo is a curious food - shaved calabash gourd. You can buy kanpyo dehydrated in white strips. You must prepare the dehydrated strips and marinate them to get them ready for the most common kanpyo dishes like futomaki rolls...
I finally had the guts to buy a goya because there was a half-cut goya on sale for 50 yen at my local supermarket last week. I had always envied my Okinawan friend who could nonchalantly cook up...