Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match
Sip + Shop

Upcoming Event: Sip + Shop: Shochu Tasting

Throughout the years, we've been asked to present more events highlighting shochu. Well, here's the event that you've all been waiting for! Generously sponsored by Takara, we'll be tasting four different kinds of shochu: imo (sweet potato), mugi (barley), kome (rice)...

Upcoming Event: Macarons with Moto (OAK)

Guess what? MOTO is coming to Umami Mart! How lucky we are! Our resident macaron maestro will be here with us this Thursday night, armed with his little pillows of sweet macarons that he has finally mastered over the last few...

Upcoming Event

Umamimart @ Pecha Kucha 1/24 (SF)

Yoko and I have been invited to give a presentation at the world-renowned Pecha Kucha forum next Tuesday 1/24 in San Francisco. The theme is "chaos", and we will be speaking about our experiences in Japan last year in regards to food and radiation. In...