Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match
The Ramen Shaman

The Ramen Shaman: Men Oh (LA)

Men Oh hails from Tokushima prefecture on Shikoku Island, the smallest and least populated of Japans’s four main islands. Until the completion of the first of several bridge systems in 1988 the island was only accessible by ferry or plane, and...


MOTOism: Ghetto Gourmet: Ramen della Carbonara

Ramen culture has finally reached America. In New York, when it rains, it rains cats and dogs. There are so many new places opening up and I already lost count. Tonkotsu, shoyu, miso, there is so much variety. Plus, American-owned ramen places serve innovative dishes...

Tokyo JUNKtion

Tokyo JUNKtion: The B-Kyu Charm of Ramen

Ramen has always been big in Japan, and since the mid-2000's it has exponentially grown in popularity and trendiness, with younger entrepenuers trying their hand at making the nation's most beloved B-kyu (B-Class) food. B-kyu foods are defined as "comfort foods"...

The Ramen Shaman

The Ramen Shaman: Daikokuya (LA)

If you know anything about ramen in Los Angeles you’ve heard of Daikokuya, the original LA noodle institution. There are throngs of people waiting outside its bright yellow awning at almost any hour of the day, despite several other shops within viewing distance. It was...


Skankynavia: California Workin' + Chowin'

In the spring of 2012 I suddenly felt the urge to not spend a depressing summer in Copenhagen. Previous years had been a mixed pleasure of monsoon rain, heavy floods, grey skies and Antarctica beach temperatures. I seriously needed a shot of California. Coincidentally the...